Friday, March 12, 2010

The Rules

After a few days of musing over my first post, I thought I'd set out a few rules so this sushi thing doesn't get out of hand.

Over a relatively bland conversation with my mother about this blog, she warned me to be choosy about my picks. I told her I was going to try as many places as I could, so the choice idea didn't really factor in.

Mid-conversation with her, however, all I could think about was the idea of me on some sort of wild sushi-bender. My hair crazed, clothes disheveled, and eyes wild as I begged the HEB sushi girl for "just one more california role" and screaming "I'll tell you when I've had enough!"

Mothers. Don't you love them? They always have that way of seeping into your brain and re-thinking your choices (I guess that can be a good thing). So, in effort to not be some sort of after-school-special cautionary tale, I thought I'd write out a few rules/guidelines.

1. The plan is to hit up as many Sushi restaurants in the city of Houston. This can include restaurants that have sushi bars attached but are not specifically Japanese, but does not include grocery stores (HEB, etc), or obvious places like chinese buffets or--and I say "God forbid" like I mean it--God forbid an "american" themed food establishment (I'm looking your way, Chili's).
2. There is a time limit. I don't want this thing getting out of hand as I had said before. I will give myself a year. If I happen to visit every place in town before then, that's okay. But after that year, well, that's all she wrote. Literally.
3. Friends and Family are encouraged. I like doing this alone, but I also like people to hang with and talk to while I guzzle my raw fish. Furthermore, if you read this blog and don't know me, contact me. Let's email back and forth and see if we can do a sushi meet-up of some kind. If you don't mind having your picture taken, either, I can feature you on the blog.
4. I am not a food critic. I make no serious claims to be a foodie, either. I enjoy food, and it gives me great pleasure most of the time. If you don't like something I write about, tough. Go read the Houston Press or b-4-ueat to get the real shake-down. This is meant to be fun and lighthearted. I screen the blog comments so nastiness will not be allowed...except if it happens to be a piece of sushi I just put in my mouth.
5. No visiting of chains. If I happen to visit a sushi chain in the city, I will visit one of these establishments, and only one. I think it's a little futile to go hiking all over the fourth largest city in the country to see which "Kobe" has the best, well, Kobe.
6. I will take suggestions. If you know of a great, little-known place just off of some crazy part of the *insert highway in Houston here*, I will go! Give me a name and Googlemaps will do the rest.

Okay, I think that about wraps up this post. I did actually visit a sushi place tonight with my mother, Sushi Jin, which will be the subject of my next post. There will be photos and a small write-up. Suffice to say for now that it was delicious and a second trip might be worthwile. The waitress had a few off-menu items to entice me to go back. Visit #2 won't be "official" with the blog, but perhaps a few interesting photos might make it on here.

Happy dining!

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