Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It Finally Happened: Mac and Cheese

I made mac and cheese for Thanksgiving, as I had threatened to do many months prior.

In fact, I made it twice in the same week, because clearly I hate myself.

The recipe I used was from The Gourmet Cookbook, one I've talked about before.  I had never made this recipe before, and I wanted to be sure that this was worthy of the Thanksgiving table (to be sure, it was).  The first time I made it (four days before Tgiving) I could only find sharp cheddar at my local grocery (weird, I know), not the extra sharp as called for.   This is why I knew a dress rehearsal would be important, as it turned out the extra sharp really did make a difference in taste.

Two days later, as previously mentioned, I had my "opening night" and made it the day ahead to bring to my parents house the next day.  I had my extra-sharp cheddar, I had my whisk, and I made the hell out this mac and cheese.

 The steps included making a gravy, adding milk, then cheese, and then cooking pasta and then putting the whole things together.  It was more complicated than that, but suffice to say it was worth all the steps to the prize.

Per my last post on the subject, I included an article that discussed that there are purists that believe that using a gravy, or roux, was not true "mac and cheese."  To these people I would hand a spoon of this recipe and make them tell me this wasn't the best M&C they've ever had.

I promise you, this recipe did not disappoint.  There was oodles of it as well, a whole cake-pan's worth of the stuff.  My mother stated she could not keep it in the house for fear that she would eat it, and I found myself giving it away as best as I could.  J just took the last of it to work, nearly a week after it was made.

After much deliberation over whether or not to even make the Mac in the first place, it finally made it's way to the plate.  And then was eaten quickly.

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