Monday, September 19, 2011

1000 Splendid Bulbs: Garlic Chicken

I had been meaning to make this slow-cooked meal all week.  Thursday I forgot, Friday I was off (and we were busy), and Saturday my family had me over for dinner.

Sunday then became "the battle of the bulb." 

To start: the recipe is simple enough. Chicken and garlic and onions and spice. No muss, no fuss, right?

Except that it calls for 20-40 garlic cloves.  I used 3 bulbs, and yielded about 40 cloves.  Taking them out of the bulbs was the easy part, but unwrapping all that garlic was a bit of a chore.

And like a true pride-before-a-fall moment, I was proven wrong on my previous understanding of slow-cooking (see "Pulled Pork!").  One does not necessarily need a sauce in which to slow-cook meat in.  Nay, it seems as though liquid came forth from the ether and collected in the crock pot (although I am sure it had to do with the onions, the garlic, and the chicken all giving off their own juices).

Before: no liquid added.

After: Juices from here to ya-ya.
So far, I can deduce that one could throw any mishmash of raw ingredients into a slow-cooker, with the right proportions, and come out a winner.  It's too bad J reads this blog, as the mystery of me being such a "good" cook would be solved: the slow-cooker is idiot (and reckless) proof.

I would recommend this recipe, even with the time spent unwrapping all those cloves.  The garlic digs into the meat and adds a brief moment of spice, allowing for the natural flavor of the chicken to shine.

My suggestion in this case is to serve with dishes that are either complimenting or toned-down in flavor, as I worry of other items competing on the plate. I like to keep it light; I use brown rice, quinoa, beans, or a quick salad.

Also, my house has smelled like roasted garlic for a full 24hrs...make of that what you will.

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