Monday, September 19, 2011

Breakfast On The Cheap

I came home from work this morning, only to realize/remember that there appears to be nothing to make for breakfast.

I've always been a cereal girl, but we're out of milk.  There are no eggs to scramble or to make french toast, and I made waffles for dinner last night on my way out the door.

What to do?  Payday is tomorrow, and hence grocery shopping day.

Undaunted, I rooted around in the pantry to find something to whip together.

Who else did I find, but an old friend--it was Oatmeal to the rescue!

I'm a bit old-school and like the oats to be in a can or bag (See Bob's Red Mill), and I like to cook it over the stove.

After cooking/during cooling on the stove, I add raisins, a dash of brown sugar, and a pinch of cinnamon.

I plate it, add cream and whatever I have handy (mixed nuts in this case) and a drizzle of syrup.

It was perfect on this cool/rainy morning.

Three cheers for captain oatmeal!



  1. I buy all things Bob. They're flour and oats are great.

  2. They have a cookbook, too, for unconventional breads and such. I have it, just haven't tried much out of it.
