Saturday, September 10, 2011

Places I Love: Melange Creperie

Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, I was not able to make beef stew in the slow cooker (car troubles, allergies, you name it, it happened).

However, all was not lost.  I began the day with a visit to a wonderland of crepes and happiness on the corner of Westheimer and Taft. A place that I decided to highlight in order to kick off my whimsical new segment, "Places I Love."

I present: Melange Creperie**!  A story of a man, his crepe cart, and a boat load of charm.

I hopped out of the car this morning, expecting a food truck or store front. Instead, I came across a small food-cart set up in front of Mango's, presided over by a man in a hat, Buffalo Sean.

There were only a handful of crepe fillings to choose from, which suggested to me that I had struck gold--my mother always said that you could tell a restaurant by its menu.  The less items, the better the food.  I found myself thanking the twitter gods for laying this "Melange" across my path, the best digital word-of-mouth (no pun intended) a gal could find.

I quickly surveyed the menu, wanting to order "one of each," as one was more enticing than the next.  Indeed this proved to be true as well--the very last crepe on the menu caught my eye:  pear compote with goat cheese (not pictured, I ate too fast).  I loved every bite--the pear compote is a recipe older than most (1800's, I think?) and was made to perfection.

J landed on ham, egg, and cheese, my second option.  Sean talked J into some handmade Thai Pepper sauce as well, which did not disappoint. Sean was even cool enough to ask how hot J would prefer, stating "Texas or Arkansas?" in a nod to True Grit.

Both were gone in minutes, of course.  The crepe batter itself had a very characteristic and distinct flavor from the rest of the ingredients.  Walking away (as I chewed) I felt as though it was genius to use the batter as a player in the symphony rather than merely the stage, as many other crepes I've had in the past had done.  (I love nutella as much as any other sane human being, but I want to taste the crepe, not just make it the delivery system for my hazelnut spread.)

My last thought on Melange was just how fun it was. Sean created a really warm and friendly atmosphere, talking with us while our crepes were being made--making it all look effortless, too!  I can only liken it to a good bartender, empathizing about your troubles and letting you wallow them in a good crepe or two.  I came away with the feeling that Sean had a passion that poured out from himself into his food, something I respect and admire. Food served in such a way brings a sense of something familiar, and therefore earnest, to me.

A cart that I hope stays around for many years to come, Melange Creperie is a "Place I Love!"
(**Find them on twitter, as well!)