Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tapatio, "It's a sauce...that's very saucy!"

About two years ago I found myself eating breakfast in Huntington Beach, California.

My hosts had just finished cooking eggs, and asked, "would you like some Tapatio with that?"

Puzzled, I inquired to what the heck it was.

"Only the best hot sauce known to mankind.  Try some!"

Out came a 1.5L bottle of the stuff, and following that, my introduction to a whole new sauce world.

According to their website, Tapatio the hot-sauce, if you could call it that, was started in California in the 1970's.  Kraft now distributes this wonderful concoction across the world.

I put it on everything--eggs, tacos, sandwiches, stews, salads.  I had some last night with the empanadas.  I had some the other day with the jerk chicken.  It's become my newest friend and culinary ally.

Perhaps putting this sauce-of-the-gods on everything isn't the best idea.  I should be trying to taste the flavors of what I have cooked, listening with my taste buds through every bite and chew.

Right.  I'm from Texas, y'all.  I've learned to love heat with my food, and capsaicin actually has many health benefits.  I have California, and my friends, to thank for my newest addition to my love for heat--Tapatio!

1 comment:

  1. Represent! We still have a liter of the stuff in our fridge...
